Thursday, September 23, 2010

Tents, Flashlights and a Campfire..3 things every boy loves

As summer was lazily winding to an end, I was in the mood to throw a party. By this time of the year, I've had my fill of barbecues, swim parties and mosquitos in general. However, I had been promising my six year old son that he could have a camp out with a few friends. As with most parties hosted by our family, a few guests turned into a whole lot of guests.  An evening of water balloons, pizza, smores and flashlight tag entertained 12 little boys until the wee hours of the morning. What began as a way to celebrate the end of summer has turned into a new tradition for the boys and for the dads (well, and me). Maybe next year, they will fall asleep before the sun rises.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Hangers-Who Knew They Could Be So Much FUN?

I will never again wonder what to buy a bride or mommy-to-be client. I love these hangers from LilaFrances on Etsy. The perfect personal and unique gift.

Photo by Lila Frances on Etsy

Babies and Baby Birds

I love babies. I also love baby showers! Last week, we posted photos of the wishing tree we made for a client using the "nest theme." We've included a few more pics today of the rest of the shower. Big thanks to Tiny Bites and Invites for coming through with a beautiful cake inspired by the

Friday, September 3, 2010

It Takes a Village...

I am in love with the new trend of "wishing trees." My latest was in baby form for a new mommy-to-be's baby shower. The hanging cards read, "It takes a village to raise a child." Isn't that the truth? We'll post more pics of this "bless their nest" shower tomorrow. For now, here is a preview of our wishing tree. I can't wait for the guest of honor to enjoy reading all the wishes and baby advice from her friends. What a sentimental and sweet gift!